5 lessons I learned from Coronavirus — littletalks Diary

4 min readMay 17, 2020

During this lockdown period, I’ve got to understand many things and mainly understand questions related to me, my life, and my goals. Sometimes I feel I had finally the chance to do some meditation of my life thanks to this pandemic. Having stressful daily tasks disguised as normal life made me forget the core of serenity and peace in this life. Finding the answers was possible during the past few months, and I’ve got some tips helping me regain some balance, peace, joy, and essentially determination. Determination is the key to success, not only physical success such as career or wealth, but I believe the real success is the success of mind and soul. Having a peaceful mind, a clean soul, and joyfully optimistic thinking are like passing the toughest exam of life. In this post, I will share with you the top 5 lessons I got to learn in this period.

1- We are all given the same amount of time

Questioning about time is one of the main and essential questions of life. Can I do this at that time? Do I have enough time? Did I manage well my time?…etc. These are examples of questions that I keep asking myself frequently, but sincerely, the answer wasn’t all the time clear. But during this lockdown period, I have got to understand one major meaning of time: Time is the same. A month, a day, a year… it’s the same for everyone and everywhere and since always. The only problem is how much we can get from this period of time? It’s only about perspectives and goals determination that we can unveil the reward given by that time.

2- Nothing lasts forever

Living a heavily busy life made us forget that everything has an end. I think we only see it when we do our courses at the supermarket! But abstract and emotional things don’t show their expiry date, they just go, with no warning or words. Love, friendship, family, time, and health can hardly be replaced. We witnessed that during this lockdown, one suddenly lost a dear one or even got infected by Coronavirus suddenly, and then we got to understand what we really had and forgot about. Only lucky ones got to understand this point and only the luckiest who got to sense this hidden meaning of life before experiencing a heartbreaking experience. We have to open widely our eyes and really see what we have instead of only looking at what we don’t have because nothing lasts forever!

3- Live your moment

The two previous points help us to start acting and DOING. The first thing is: Ensure that you are living your moment. One, because time won’t go back and two, this moment you are in now won’t be eternal. These reasons are enough to make you live fully and happily at your moment! Even when we are experiencing bad and sad times, just remind yourself that you should make the right decision to overcome it and to learn from it. I believe that every moment of our life, happy or emotion breaking, is a lifetime lesson. And don’t worry, everything will be “a past” after this, so be sure that you’re proud to read the book of your life.

4- Don’t postpone your to-do list

The To-Do list is immensely used by everyone. But the real question is, do we manage to do them all? Personally, there are many times when I need to postpone or delay my list. Because I am busy! that was the only pretext I could convince myself with. Now, my list has changed to a more executable and understandable list. It may also contain a nap time! Or TV time. The more realistic I made my list, the more I managed to finish my tasks without delay. What’s funnier is that I got busier than before! But trust me, making your to-do list as you would like to see yourself be is the key to successfully manage to achieve your goals and proudly. Make a to-do laugh, to-do help, to-do read, to-do work, to-do treat myself elegantly…And trust me, you’ll realize that nothing got delayed!

5- Cherish the precious

Here comes the final and best point: “Cherish”. This word may seem easy to understand and work on it, but it can be very tricky. Cherishing what’s precious includes larger terms that we used to know. Memory, time, persons, books, pets,… should all be cherished, but also health, mind, and soul should be previously taken care of. Everything that we have, and we don’t know about, this is the real goal! Finding ourselves and discovering who we are and what we are capable of is also precious. Being alive is precious. So gather all that was strangely marked down as “normal”, make it precious, and make your life shining with all these glittering “precious”.

Finally, what I learned from these 5 lessons is that I really don’t have any excuses to whine about something or to not do it. We can all pave our ways and achieve our dreams regardless of place and time. We should use these lessons as pillars to go as high as we can be! Everyone CAN do it! Be determined and don’t neglect your inner self, nourish it with these lessons, and shine bright!

I hope you like this post. Enjoy reading it and welcome for any comments or questions, feel free to share and ask!

